Object Description
A Stunning Quality Mid 19th Century English Burr Walnut Bureau
De Dame, In The Louis XV Style, Having Superbly Figured Fall To
Serpentine Shaped Front And Sides Enclosing Delightful Interior
With Slides And Marquetry Inlaid Drawers Raised On Elegant
Cabriole Legs, Having Superb Gilt Bronze Metal Mounts And Moulds
(Both Gillows and Holland & Sons are documented to have made
walnut bureau de dame’s of this exact model during the mid 19th
century after an original design by the celebrated French cabinet
maker J.H. Riesener, so it is fair to assume that this particular piece
is almost certainly from one of these leading 19th century
workshops when considering the quality of craftsmanship and
the original expense of the materials used)