Object Description
A 12 inch celestial table globe by Harris and Son, the horizon ring, with the original papers, set on four turned mahogany legs, the label stating ‘Improved Celestial Globe, the Stars laid down to the Year 1820. The days for the Average of the leap Years for 50 Years to come, by T Harris & Son, Opticians etc and by Henry Gardner, Opticians etc, Belfast, Published Janry 1st 1814.’ English, 1814.
Footnote: Thomas Harris (d. 1837) and his son William Harris (1797-1846), were opticians and manufacturers of globes, mathematical instruments, telescopes from Bloomsbury, London. On their “New Celestial Globe,” 12 inches in diameter of 1820, the cartouche reads “Opticians and Globe Makers; To his Majesty and their Royal Highnesses The Dukes of Kent and Sussex.” Henry Gardner, optician, would have added his label as the retailer/distributor in Belfast.