After Michelangelo White Statuary Marble Sculpture of Moses

GBP 16,975.00

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Object Description

A scale white statuary marble sculpture of Moses after Michelangelo circa 1875. After the larger than life-size Carrara marble original from the tomb of Pope Julius II in St. Peter’s Basilica, Rome completed around 1515. This scale sculpture is exceptionally carved, capturing the quality and detail of Michelangelo’s Moses in superb detail.

A Moses sculpture of similar scale and date to this one by 17th century American sculptor, Edmonia Lewis, resides in the Smithsonian American Art Museum. Scale depictions of classical Italian statues like this were popular among American tourists.

An imposing figure, Michelangelo’s depiction of Moses is one of movement and intense energy. His glaring eyes appear to stare into the distance, while his veins seem to pulsate with blood. His right knee is raised and his profile is turned to the left as if he is about to stand.

In the biblical story, it is said that Moses travels to the top of Mt. Sinai having just delivered the Israelites from slavery in Egypt. On his return, he finds the Israelites not praising God but worshipping a pagan idol. He is overcome with anger, hence his intensity, and throws the tablets detailing The Ten Commandments to the ground, breaking them. This is represented by the rectangular form under his right arm.

Unusually, Michelangelo’s Moses is sculpted with horns. This comes from a mistranslation of a Hebrew word that in the bible describes Moses as having beams of light coming from his head!

Object History

After Michelangelo.

Object Condition

Good structural condition. Minor chips and discolouration. Unsigned. Wear consistent with age and use. Minor Losses, scuffs, and scratches.

Object Details

Dealer Opening Times

We are open weekly as follows:

8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16:00

Dealer Contact

+44(0) 1981 541 155
+44(0) 7786 916 288

Dealer Location


At the end of the M50, take the A40 towards Ross-on-Wye and Monmouth. Take the A49 Hereford Road (third roundabout after leaving the M50). Ignore the first two signposts for Wormelow, stay on the A49 for approximately nine miles and take the next left turn after passing the Pilgrim Hotel, signed A466 Wormelow. Follow the road for approximately 400 meters. We are located halfway down the hill on the right-hand side. The site is called: Grove Farm / The Grove.


Follow the A49 south from Hereford for approximately five miles. After the uphill section at the Callow, there is a layby on your right followed by one on your left. Take the next right turn onto the A466 signed Wormelow / Monmouth. Follow the road for approximately 400 meters. We are located halfway down the hill on the right-hand side. The site is called: Grove Farm / The Grove.

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