Object Description
A Delightful Early 18th Century George I Period Walnut
Chest Of Drawers Having Superbly Figured Quarter
Veneered Top With Herringbone Inlaid Decoration Above
Two Short And Three Long Drawers With Replacement
Brasswear Raised On Later Bracket Feet
( Its worth considering that this piece is 300 years old, yet as
fit for purpose as the day it was made, as well as beautiful and
attractive. The top has been quarter veneered which is always
a sign of quality and its also worth noting that despite the handles
and feet being later replacements, which is very common for chests
of this age, they have both been tastefully replaced and the newer
variants are very much along the lines of what would have been in
place originally when it comes to both handles and feet. All in all an
extremely useful, beautiful and functional piece that has been in
existence for 3 centuries already!)