Object Description
A rare early silver processional cross. The embossed silver has applied plaques to the front and reverse and a “corpus” (figural image of Christ’s body). Bright parcel gilt finish. Bronze terminals enhance the ornate form of the cross. Height 48.5cm including the metal rod support, 40.5cm without. Width 29cm. Unmarked. Probably Italian circa 1600.
Signed – The cross was submitted for expert opinion to a major London auction house where it was shown to various specialists in the fields of Silver, Works of Art and Metalwork. An extract from the inspection report states “Our opinion, based on the current stage of research, is that the core probably dates to circa 1600. The Appliques and Corpus are likely to date to around this date or just before, but are associated. The crucifix may have been embellished with the bronze terminals, probably in the 17th century. Our opinion is subject to further research”.