Object Description
1717 Sampler by Anna Prentice. Framed in an old wood frame with gilt slip and glass. Mounted to conservator standards on acid free card with chipboard backing. The sampler is worked in silk on linen ground, in a variety of stitches. Divider lines in various patterns. Colours red, yellow, light brown, black, blue and green. Verses read, ‘When IN The LiGht OF Faith DIVINE>We LOOK On ThinGS BeLOW>HonOVR AND GOLD AnD SensvaL JoY>HOW Vain AnD DanGerovs TO>>HonovR IS A PUFF OF NOISY Breath>Yet Men EXPOSe There BLOOD>AnD Venture EverLastInG Death>To GaIN That AIrY GOOD>WhILe Others Starve The noBLer MIND>AnD FeeD On ShInInG DUSt> TheY ROB The serpent OF HIS FOOD>TO InDULGE A SOrDID LUST>>The Pleasures That ALLUre Out Sense> Are DanGerous snares TO SOULS>Theres But A DrOP OF FLattrInG Sweet>AnD Dash’D With Bitter BOWLe>>GOD IS Mine ALLSUFFICIent GOOD>MY Portion AnD MY Choice>In Him MY Vast Desires Ate FILLD>AnD ALL MY PoWers ReJoyce>In Vain This WorLD accosts MY Eat>AnD Tempts MY Heart A new>I Cannot BUY Your BLISS So Dear>not Part With Heaven For You’> and Hark From The Tombs A DoLeFul SovnD>MY Ears AttenD The CrY Ye living Men Come>View The GrovnD where You mvst ShortLY Lie>Princes This mvst Be yovr BeD in SPIte OF>ALL YOUr TOWers The taLL The Wise The Re>verand Head must Lie As LoW AS Ours>Great GOD IS This Ovr certain DOOM AnD Are WE>StiLL secure Still WalkING Downwards To Our>TomB AnD Yet Prepare no more> Grant vs the powres of Quickning Grace To Favovr souls To FLY Them When We DROP This DY>ing Flesh We’ll RISe aBoVe the SKY’. Signed and dated ‘Anna Prentice Her Sampler May The Fifteenth One Thousand Seven Hundred And Seventeen In The Eleventh Year Of Her Age’. Three figure motifs and a couple of finely worked embroidery panels