Object Description
1732 Sampler by Mary loder. Framed in an old wood frame with gilt slip and glass. Mounted to conservator standards on acid free card with chipboard backing. The sampler is worked in silk on linen ground, in a variety of stitches including Algerian eye. No border, divider lines in various patterns. Colours cream, green, pink and blue. Alphabets A-Z in lower case Inscriptions read ‘TheRe IS BeYOnD The SKY A HeAVen OF> JOY AnD LOVe AnD HOLY ChILDRen When> They DIE GO TO THAT WORLD ABOVe’ and ‘ TheRe IS A DREADFVL heLL OF EVERLASTI> NG PAIN WHeRe sinners MVST FOR EVeR> dwEll In DARKness FIRe AnD cHaiNS’ and ‘Naked came I into the World and Nothing with me brou>ght and Nothing have I here defervd yet have I lacked> Naught as Thou Lord an Immoral soul Haft Breathed> into me so let my soul be Breathing faith Immortal’ and ‘HeALTH IS A JEWel DROPT> FROM HeAVN WhICh MONey> CAnnOT BVY The LIFE OF> LIFe The BodIeS PeACe AnD P> LeASANT HARMOnY’ and ‘away from fools ill Turn my Eyes Nor> With the scoffers go I Would be walki>ng Withthe Wife That Wifer I may grow’. Signed and dated ‘MARY LODER: AV: 28 1732’. A few motifs including a LION, flowers, hearts, birds and crowns.