Object Description
1756 ‘Our Father’ Sampler by Mary Gregory. Framed in an old, gilded, gesso frame with rippled, old glass. Stitched to linen with chipboard backing. The sampler is worked in silk on linen ground, in a variety of stitches. Rolling waves border. Colours blues, copper, gold, greens and cream. Alphabets A-Z in lower case and numbers 1-10 Verse reads ‘OUR FATHER WHICH ART IN>HEAVEN HALLOWED BE>THY NAME THY KINGDOM COME>THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS>IT IS IN HEAVEN GIVE US THIS DAY O>UR DAILY BREAD AND FORGIVE US OUR>TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THEM THAT>TRESPASS AGAINST US LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION BUT DELIVER US FRO>M EVIL FOR THINE IS THE KINGDOM AND>THE POWER AND THE GLORY FOREVER>AND EVER AMEN’. Signed and dated ‘MARY GREGORY 1756’. A good set of motifs, including a temple, flowers, crowns, hearts, fir trees, diamonds and insects.