Antique Sampler, 1798, by Ann Neat


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Object Description

1798 Sampler by Ann Neat. Framed in a modern wood frame with glass. Stitched to linen with card backing. The sampler is worked in silk on linen ground, in cross stitch and Algerian eye. Meandering strawberry border. Colours greens, blue, pale blue, dark brown, yellow and white. Verse entitled, ‘THE BELIEVER’S ESPOUSALS’ reads, ‘HARK. Dying mortal. If the fonnet prove.>A fong of living and immortal love.>Tis then thy grand concern the theme to know.>If life and immortality be fo.>Are eyes to read. Or ears to hear a truft.>Shall both in death be cram’d apon with duft.>Then trifle not to pleafe think ear and eye.>But read thou.>for eternity.>Purfue not fhadows wing’d. But be thy chafe.>The God of glory on the field of grace:>The mighty hunter’s name is loft and vain.>That runs not this subftantial prize to gain.>Thefe humble lines affume no high pretence.>To pleafe thy fancy. Or allure thy fenfe.>But aim. If everlafting life’s thy chafe.>To clear thy mind. And warm thy heart through grace.>A marriage fo myfterious I proclaim.>Betwixt two parties of fuch diffrent fame.>That human tongues may blufh their names to tell.>To wit. The prince of Heav’n. The heir of hell.>But. On fo vaft a fubject. Who can find.>Words fuiting the conceptions of his mind.>Or. If our language with our thought could vie.>What mortal thought can raife itfelf fo high.>When words and thoughts both fail. May faith and pray’r’>Afcend by climbing up the fcripture ftair:’. Signed and dated ‘Ann Neat 98’. A few motifs including an oak tree, flowers, fir trees, birds and fruit baskets

Object Condition

Good. A few holes, and slight losses to the bottom edge. One patchy stain. No stitch losses. Colours are all good and strong with no noticeable fading. No colour run. Stretching is slightly uneven. Frame in good condition, ready to hang.

Object Details

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