Object Description
1808 Silkwork Sampler by Mary Hinman. Framed in a modern wood frame with with cardboard mount and glass. Mounted to conservator standards on acid free card with chipboard dust cover. The sampler is worked in silk on fine linen ground, in a variety of stitches. Meandering floral border. Colours greens, light brown, dark brown, copper, gold, black, cream and pink. Verse reads ‘One Week Extremity may teach us more> Than long Prosperity had done Before> Death is forgotten in our easy state> But Trubles mind us of our final Fate> The doing ill affect us not With Fears> But suff ring ill bring Sorrow Woe and Tears’. Signed and dated, ‘Mary Hinman Her Work Aged 12 1808’. A good set of motifs, some finely embroidered, including potted flowering plants, flowers, birds, lady with a dog and a gentleman with a dog.