Object Description
1792 Sampler by Mary Blake. Framed in an old, gilded, gesso frame with rippled, old glass. Fixed to board with brown paper backing. The sampler is worked in silk on linen ground. Meandering strawberry border. Colours black, yellow, green, light brown, pink, white and red. Verse reads ‘Hearken> O Youth to > the Voice of>Difcretion her words> are the Words of>Wifdom and her> paths fhall lead thee> to Safety and Truth> Put a Bridle on thy> Tongue fet a Guide> before thy Lips left> thy Words deftroy> thy Peace Boaft not> of thyself in any> Wife nor deride> another for it is dange>rous oftend not thy> Friend With a bitter> Jeft be frugal in thy> Expences and let> thy Attention be> engaged in thy own> Bufinefs’. Verse entitled ‘ECCESIAS’ reads ‘Hear me your> Father O children> and do thereafter> that ye may befafe> For the Lord hath> given the Father> honour over the> children and hath> confirmed the> authority of the> mother over the> fons. Whofo hono>ureth his father> maketh an atone>ment for his finns. >And he that hono> ureth his mother.> is as one that lay>eth up treafure.> Whofo honoureth> his faher fhall have> Joy of his own chil>dren’. Signed and dated ‘Mary Blake her Work 1 thoufand 792’. A good set of motifs, some finely detailed, including a boy stood under an arch, angels, dogs, potted flowering plants, a bird, crown and a fir tree.