Antique Wedgwood Basalt Bust of Homer

GBP 3,275.00

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Object Description

An antique Wedgwood black basalt bust of Homer.

This Grand Tour style sculpture is a very stylish depiction of the scholar.

This English bust depicts the legendary poet and author Homer who is presumed to have penned the two of ancient Greece’s most epic poems: the Iliad and the Odyssey. Scholars are uncertain whether or not Homer actually existed but if he in fact did exist, Homer would be regarded as one of the greatest literary artists of his time.

At over 160 years old, this Homer bust is in good condition, features such as the nose, wrinkles of the brow and beard are still intact and clearly defined.

Wedgwood first began creating black basalt wares in 1768. This dense and fine-grained basalt bust remains to this day of fine quality.

This bust bares a great likeness to his famous portrait, which was likely first depicted during the Hellenistic era but remains recognisable to this day.

It captures his supposed likeness in incredible levels of detail including his blindness – though whether or not he was actually blind is another cause for debate.

Despite the questions over his existence, Homer has become synonymous with the history of Ancient Greece.

The bust is stamped Homer and Wedgwood to the reverse.

Object Condition

Good structural condition. Clean condition. No restorations.

Object Details

Dealer Opening Times

We are open weekly as follows:

8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16:00

Dealer Contact

+44(0) 1981 541 155
+44(0) 7786 916 288

Dealer Location


At the end of the M50, take the A40 towards Ross-on-Wye and Monmouth. Take the A49 Hereford Road (third roundabout after leaving the M50). Ignore the first two signposts for Wormelow, stay on the A49 for approximately nine miles and take the next left turn after passing the Pilgrim Hotel, signed A466 Wormelow. Follow the road for approximately 400 meters. We are located halfway down the hill on the right-hand side. The site is called: Grove Farm / The Grove.


Follow the A49 south from Hereford for approximately five miles. After the uphill section at the Callow, there is a layby on your right followed by one on your left. Take the next right turn onto the A466 signed Wormelow / Monmouth. Follow the road for approximately 400 meters. We are located halfway down the hill on the right-hand side. The site is called: Grove Farm / The Grove.

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