Object Description
A Very Fine Quality Mid 19th Century Burr Walnut
Pedestal Desk Of Unusual Diminutive Proportions
Having Attractive Replacement Gilt Tooled Leather
Inset Top Over Nine Drawers With Replacement
Brass Handles And Well Figured Panels To Reverse
Raised On Original Plinth Base.
Sporting superbly attractive and extremely well figured
burr walnut veneers throughout this small 19th Century
desk is exceptional quality throughout with the inclusion
of mahogany internal drawer linings, allowing those
drawers to operate as smoothly as the day they
were made.
The small but practical size is a breath of fresh air for
those with little available floor space to set up a working
from home environment, yet somehow it still manages
to be big enough and offers enough storage for practical
day to day working.
19th Century pedestal desks vary wildly in style, shape,
size, finish and quality, but this example is right at the
top of the tree in that respect and one of the nicest of
its type which we have owned for some time.
The brass handles are relatively recent replacements, but
sit most happily and of course importantly work extremely
The desk does come into three pieces for ease of transportation
as is common for this period and that of course makes it even
easier to get into absolutely any location around the
home which the purchaser desires.
Circa 1860.
Height 29.5in
Width 48in.
Depth 23in.