Object Description
A very good Chippendale Period Mahogany Breakfront Library Bookcase, the moulded pediment with a cross banded frieze above four 15 pane glazed doors with re-entrant corners opening onto adjustable shelves, the base with four panelled doors with an adjustable shelf to the central pair and three drawers each retaining their original swan neck handles behind the flanking doors and the whole raised on a plinth base.
Note: The quality, condition and design of this bookcase are exceptional and the pattern of 15 pane glazing bars as seen on this example are clearly illustrated in Thomas Chippendale’s “Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker’s Director” first published in1754.
Price :£ 27,500-00p.
H:94”, 239 cms,W:99.5”, 253 cms, D:24”, 61 cms.
Lit: Thomas Chippendale’s “Gentleman and Cabinet-Maker’s Director”, 3rd Edition, Library Bookcases Plate XCV, XC, XCI and XCIV, also China Case, Plate CXXXV,
Christopher Gilbert, “The Life & Work of Thomas Chippendale, Page 68 Plate 104,
Thomas Chippendale 1718-1779, Catalogue of the Tercentenary Exhibition, James Lomax and Adam Bowett, Page 56 Plate 2.
Provenance: Private collection acquired from Witney Antiques in 1996.