Object Description
An Exceptional Quality Late 18th Century, George III Period, Mahogany Oval Butlers Tray, Of Unusual Two Panel Construction, Retaining Superb Colour And Figuring To Top, With Original Brass Hinges To Folding Sides And Pierced Carrying Handles, Raised On Later Square Moulded Leg Stand.
This particular Georgian Oval Butlers Tray is a particularly nice example of its type, a little larger and bolder than normal, constructed from excellent high grade mahogany timbers and most unusually consisting of just two panels to the top as opposed to the normal four panel design.
During the 18th and 19th centuries a coffee table was not what we regard as a coffee table in the 21st century. Coffee tables back then were always full height, effectively side tables. The modern, low, coffee table is really something which began to be seen during the early 20th century onwards.
Based on the above there is a variety of different methods to incorporate a coffee table into an interior for people who wish to furnish their properties with genuine antique furniture, whilst still allowing for the practicalities and function which is required in modern times.
Therefore as is now normal with the majority of butlers trays which we see, due to the fact they make absolutely perfect coffee tables, this has been removed from its original, tall, folding stand at some point and fitted onto a lower, more practical and sturdy stand constructed from old antique wood. It’s worth noting that generally this means an old broken table, or something similar which was destined for the scrapheap or bonfire, has therefore also been recycled and re-purposed.
As with all items which we offer for sale this antique coffee table has received a thorough inspection and natural wax polish by our traditional antique furniture restorers before being offered for sale, ensuring that it is in the best, most presentable, retail showroom condition.
Circa 1800.
Height 18.25in.
Width 41in.
Depth 29.75in.