Object Description
Gustave Serrurier Bovy Very Stylish And Rare Secessionist Period Paraffin Brass And Copper Table Lamp.
Made and stamped by C.Kurz & Co Tiel (The Netherlands)
The small lid of the paraffin reservoir stamped La Lampe Belge L & B is Lempereur & Bernard Liege.
The design attributed to Gustave Serrurier Bovy 1858 Liege-1910- Liege (Belgium)
Interesting is to see that La Lampe Belge L & B and Gustave Serrurier Bovy where based in the same town Liege, so they must have had contact together.
With unusual glass shade in the shape of a mushroom in white and clear glass.
Circa 1905.
All over in original very good strong condition, in working order.
85cm high till top of chimney, 23cm diameter base.
Price: £2750,—