Object Description
A large botryoidal green malachite specimen from Kolwezi, Congo, presented on an exclusive museum-quality painted plaster display plinth.
Named for its distinctive form resembling a cauliflower texture, this vibrant green, copper-based mineral has a beautiful variation of natural tone, with highlights of white in places. The bulbous botryoidal clusters vary in size and shape, naturally formed over thousands of years. Prized since ancient times as an ornamental stone, deposits of malachite are found across the globe but specimens from Congo offer some of the world’s finest.
Thanks to its unusual form and vibrant green colours, this malachite will make a striking feature of a collector’s cabinet.
Additional Information
Specimen only: H16 x W23 x D13 cm, 5.2kg
Comes with an exclusive medium custom-made display plinth – ø17 x H6.5 cm