Object Description
A very large and beautifully made campaign writing box by Gabriel Riddle of London, the rosweood exterior profusely inlaid with intiricate brasswork opening to reveal a leather bound writing slope under which can be found one large storage compartment incorporating three hidden drawers and a further hidden storage compartment in beautifully figured satinwood. The inside of the writing slope bearing an engraved brass plaque inscribed:
“PresentedTo J G Stuart Esq M.D. From the committee of The Scottish Ladies Association For Promoting Female Education in India – Proof of their esteem and value for the services he rendered to the Association while he held the office of treasurer – 1846”
This box is in original condition. It retains its original ink wells with threaded gilded brass lids. The quality of the workmanship and its large size make this the very best example of a writing box of this type. Absolutely no expense spared. Original locks.
While the box was gipven to J G Stuart in 1846, we beleive it to be of slightly earlier manfacture.