Reclaimed Red Granite Sundial with Negretti & Zambra Dial Plate

GBP 6,975.00

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Object Description

A striking reclaimed Scottish red granite sundial pedestal topped with a bronze dial plate by Negretti and Zambra, circa 1880. This antique sundial is heavy and substantial, the red granite column topped with an ornately carved limestone capital above a weathered limestone base.

With its unusual red colour and timeworn look, this sundial will make a stunning statement piece in gardens and courtyards old and new alike.

The large bronze dial plate has also been characteristically weathered by the elements, though not so much that the maker’s mark is not visible, reading: ‘Negretti and Zambra, London’.


From the collection of Charles William Martin (1850-95) of Quorn Place, Leicestershire. In 1886, Martin founded the Quorn Ranch Company in Alberta, Canada, one of the most famous British North American ranches, importing British horses and Angus cattle to the area.

Negretti & Zambra

Negretti and Zambra (active 1850-1985) were one of Britain’s leading manufacturers of scientific, mathematical and surveying instruments.

Established in 1850 by fellow Anglo-Italians Joseph Warren Zambra and Enrico (Henry) Angelo Ludovico Negretti, the business first specialised in thermometers and barometers, exhibiting at the 1851 Great Exhibition. Here they were awarded a medal and caught the attention of several notable persons and organisations including Her Majesty Queen Victoria and the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.

Following the deaths of both founders at the end of the 19th century, the company remained in family hands and continued to innovate the market of metrological instruments.

During the early 20th century, the company played a major role in Britain’s war effort, working alongside the Ministry of Munitions between 1914-18. Their innovation and insights into early aviation resulted in a new focus on projects for the Air Ministry following WWI, later producing boost gauges and thermometers for the iconic Spitfire and fighters of WWII.

Additional Dimensions

Top ø: 44.5 cm (17.51 in)

Base: 36 cm square (14.17 in)

Object Condition

Good structural condition. Weathered. Small losses and chips. No repairs. Transports as 3 pieces; the pedestal formed of 2 components and the dial sitting into position on the top.

Object Details

Dealer Opening Times

We are open weekly as follows:

8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16.00
8.00 - 16:00

Dealer Contact

+44(0) 1981 541 155
+44(0) 7786 916 288

Dealer Location


At the end of the M50, take the A40 towards Ross-on-Wye and Monmouth. Take the A49 Hereford Road (third roundabout after leaving the M50). Ignore the first two signposts for Wormelow, stay on the A49 for approximately nine miles and take the next left turn after passing the Pilgrim Hotel, signed A466 Wormelow. Follow the road for approximately 400 meters. We are located halfway down the hill on the right-hand side. The site is called: Grove Farm / The Grove.


Follow the A49 south from Hereford for approximately five miles. After the uphill section at the Callow, there is a layby on your right followed by one on your left. Take the next right turn onto the A466 signed Wormelow / Monmouth. Follow the road for approximately 400 meters. We are located halfway down the hill on the right-hand side. The site is called: Grove Farm / The Grove.

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