waxantiques George I Antique Silver Snuffer Tray and Scissors, London, 1716 George gillingham £8,750.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Pair of Antique Silver George I Trencher Salts made in 1714 William looker £1,250.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Antique Silver George I Silver Dognose/Wavy End Spoon made 1714 William scarlett £485.00
W.R. Harvey & Co. (Antiques) Ltd George I Period Feather Banded and Cross Banded Figured Walnut Bureau £4,750.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Antique Silver George I Irish Cup made in 1717 William bell of dublin £3,800.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Antique Silver George I Sugar Caster made in 1726 Samuel welder £1,200.00
Paul Bennett Early 18th Century Antique George I Silver 3/4 Pint Mug London 1720 Ga... Gabriel sleath £1,850.00
Honourable Silver Objects - Cabinet of Curiosities George I pair silver candlesticks William bellassyse Price on request
Alexander George Fine Antiques Pair of George I 18th Century Carved Mahogany Chairs, Circa 1720 £4,400.00
Paul Bennett George I Britannia Silver Set Four Salt Cellars London 1717 James Good... James goodwin £4,750.00
Paul Bennett Antique George I Britannia Silver Sugar Caster London 1717 Charles Ada... Charles adam £2,750.00
Paul Bennett Antique George I Britannia Silver Pair Candlesticks London 1714 Michae... Michael boult £11,750.00