Wick Antiques Ltd A set of ten Victorian mahogany dining chairs in the style of Hepplewh... £12,500.00
LVS Decorative Arts Ltd Fine quality set of six Regency rosewood dining chairs with brass inla... £3,950.00
LVS Decorative Arts Ltd A fine quality set of thirteen early 19thc Regency simulated rosewood ... £4,950.00
Regent Antiques Antique Set 12 George II Revival Dining Chairs by Robert Strahan Dubli... Robert strahan & co. £14,750.00
LVS Decorative Arts Ltd Superb quality set of eight Regency mahogany dining chairs in exceptio... £5,750.00
LVS Decorative Arts Ltd Set of eight late 19th century Chippendale style mahogany dining chair... In the style of thomas chippendale £2,650.00
Puritan Values Arthur Heygate Mackmurdo for the Century Guild. An Important Art Nouve... Arthur heygate mackmurdo Price on request
Puritan Values AWN Pugin attributed. A Gothic Revival oak duet chair with a wider tha... Awn pugin (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values Thomas Edward Collcutt for Collinson & Lock. A fine quality rosewood h... Thomas edward collcutt for collinson & lock Price on request
Puritan Values A W N Pugin attributed, made by Gillows of Lancaster. A Gothic Revival... Awn pugin (attributed) for gillows Price on request
Puritan Values Thomas Edward Collcutt for Collinson & Lock. A fine quality walnut hig... Thomas edward collcutt for collinson & lock Price on request
Puritan Values Thomas Edward Collcutt for Collinson & Lock. A fine quality walnut hig... Collinson & lock Price on request
Puritan Values A set of four good quality oak Arts and Crafts dining chairs with styl... Price on request
Puritan Values Heals of London. A good stylish Arts and Crafts dining chair Heal's (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values Charles Bevan attributed. A set of six Gothic Revival oak dining chair... Marsh, jones & cribb Price on request
Puritan Values J.G.Crace attributed. In the style of AWN Pugin. A pair of Gothic Revi... J c grace (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values E G Punnet attributed. Probably made by William Birch. An oak wing bac... E g punnett for william birch (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values George Montague Ellwood. Made by J S Henry. A set of ten Arts and Craf... Designed by george montague ellwood for j.s. henry Price on request
Puritan Values Shapland and Petter. Three Arts and Crafts oak dining armchairs Shapland & petter Price on request
Puritan Values English Arts & Crafts Oak Dining Chair with Stylised Floral Cut-Outs t... Shapland and petter (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values Wylie & Lochhead Attri. A Pair of Glasgow School Arts & Crafts Oak Din... Wylie & lochhead (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values Bruce Talbert attr. A pair of Gothic Revival walnut hall chairs Bruce james talbert (attributed) Price on request
Puritan Values Jas Shoolbred & Co. A pair of Aesthetic Movement dining or side chairs Jas shoolbred Price on request
Puritan Values William Birch. Liberty & Co retailer. A classic Arts and Crafts rush s... William birch for liberty & co. Price on request
Puritan Values Ford Madox Brown Morris & Co Aesthetic Movement original rush seat Sus... Morris & co. Price on request
Puritan Values Shapland and Petter. A set of four Arts and Crafts oak dining chairs Shapland & petter Price on request