Adrian Alan A Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze and Pietre Dure Mounted Ebonised Side Cabin... Price on request
Adrian Alan A Napoleon III Gilt and Silvered Bronze, Onyx and Enamel Figural Three... Eugène cornu Price on request
Adrian Alan A Pair of Large Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze Nine-Light Candelabra, Emblem... Price on request
Adrian Alan A Pair of Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze Neoclassical Vases, Fitted As Lamps Attributed to ferdinand barbedienne Price on request
Adrian Alan A Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze and Sèvres-Style Porcelain Mounted Ebonise... Sèvres-style Price on request
Adrian Alan A Fine Napoleon III Gilt Bronze and Porcelain Three Piece Clock Garnit... Raingo freres Price on request
Adrian Alan An Important Napoléon III Porcelain-Mounted Mahogany Bonheur Du Jour Attributed to edward kreisser Price on request
Adrian Alan A Napoléon III Marble Mantle Clock With A Patinated Bronze Figure of ... James pradier Price on request
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Griotte marble and gilt and patinated bronze clock garniture by Graux Jules graux £65,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Large Napoleon III period bronze sculpture by Jules Bertin Jules bertin £35,000.00
Adrian Alan A Fine Napoleon III Gilt-Bronze Eight-Light Chandelier André-charles boulle Price on request
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Napoleon III period three-piece gilt bronze clock set by Lerolle Frèr... Lerolle freres £45,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Gilt bronze and hardstone inlay Napoleon III period clock set by Barbe... Ferdinand barbedienne £25,000.00