Regent Antiques Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Magnifying Glass by Asprey 1886 19th... Asprey & garrard limited £425.00
waxantiques George I Antique Silver Snuffer Tray and Scissors, London, 1716 George gillingham £8,750.00
Puritan Values WMF. Secessionist Art Nouveau Pewter Inkstand of Rectangular Organic F... Wmf Price on request
Puritan Values Birmingham Guild of Handicraft. An Arts & Crafts four piece hand-hamme... Birmingham guild of handicraft Price on request
Puritan Values C F A Voysey Attri, Made by Richard Rathbone, an Arts & Crafts Copper ... Cfa voysey (atrributed) richard rathbone Price on request
Wick Antiques Ltd The early Victorian silver Rococo Revival inkstand of General Charles ... Robinson, edkins & aston £2,450.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Antique Silver George V Inkstand made in 1937 Chapple & mantell £2,850.00
Wick Antiques Ltd A George V silver double inkstand presented to Major Seymour Egerton, ... D and j wellby £3,800.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Antique Silver George III Inkstand made in 1764 Charles hougham £1,250.00
William Walter Antiques Ltd Antique Silver George III Inkstand made in 1791 Robert hennell i £1,850.00
Paul Bennett 17th Century Antique Charles II Sterling Silver Pair Toilet Boxes Lond... Anthony nelme £7,250.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Victorian era inkstand with Boulle marquetry in ebonised wood and bras... £3,200.00
The Antiques Bazaar 18ct gold and moss agate handled Edinburgh 1833 paper knife with silve... Unknown £1,950.00
The Peartree Collection A Charles Ashbee for the Guild of Handicraft silver gem set box Price on request
Paul Bennett Antique Victorian Sterling Silver Inkstand London 1844 Samuel Whitford Samuel whitford £1,950.00
Paul Bennett Mid 19th Century Portuguese Silver Inkstand Circa 1850 Lisbon (Maker I... Lfba £2,650.00
Paul Bennett Early 19th Century Antique Spanish Provincial Silver Inkstand Cordoba ... Mateo mtz moreno £1,750.00
Paul Bennett 20th Century Modern George V Sterling Silver Large Treasury Inkstand L... John s harman & co £4,750.00