The Peartree Collection A English art nouveau silver claret jug by Goldsmiths and Silversmiths £5,350.00
The Peartree Collection A Liberty platinum and moonstone art nouveau necklace by Archibald Kno... Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Charles Ashbee for the Guild of Handicraft silver gem set box Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Charles Ashbee for the Guild of Handicraft modernist gem set pepper Charles ashbee £0.00
The Peartree Collection A large and exceptional art nouveau Latino Movio silver vase Latino movio £4,950.00
The Peartree Collection An A E Jones silver arts and crafts toast or crumpet rack A e jones £1,250.00
The Peartree Collection Ramsden and Carr silver and enamel art nouveau tea caddy Ramsden and carr Price on request
The Peartree Collection A pair of Charles Ashbee for Marcus and Co marts and crafts silver pep... Charles ashbee £7,900.00
The Peartree Collection An Archibald Knox stone arts and crafts caddy spoon for Liberty & Co Archibald knox £4,950.00
The Peartree Collection An early pair of classic James Dixon arts and crafts silver candlestic... James dixon and sons £2,950.00
The Peartree Collection An Archibald Knox Cymric silver art nouveau vase for Liberty & Co Archibald knox £7,950.00
The Peartree Collection An exceptional Gilbert Marks large cup or vase Gilbert marks Price on request
The Peartree Collection Exceptional sterling silver panther handled askos jug attributed to Gi... Giacinto melillo Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Duchess of Sutherland Cripples Guild pair of silver arts and crafts ... Duchess of sutherland cripples guild £1,250.00
The Peartree Collection A Liberty & Co silver and copper Cymric bowl inset with conemara marbl... Oliver baker £5,250.00
The Peartree Collection A Christopher Dresser sterling silver bon bon dish Christopher dresser £3,250.00
The Peartree Collection A rare Archibald Knox Cymric Liberty silver and enamel vase Archibald knox Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Christopher Dresser sterling silver aesthetic tea set Christopher dresser Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Ruskin set arts and crafts A E Jones silver sugar dredger A e jones £1,250.00
The Peartree Collection An aesthetic silver punch bowl and spoon by Hukin and Heath for Leucha... £3,250.00
The Peartree Collection A silver pendant by Arthur and Georgie Gaskin Arthur & georgie gaskin Price on request
The Peartree Collection An outstanding silver gilt necklace by Georgie Gaskin Arthur & georgie gaskin Price on request
The Peartree Collection A gem set silver arts and crafts pedestal dish by Edward Spencer Artificers' guild Price on request
The Peartree Collection A set of four Charles Ashbee for the Guild of Handicraft gem set salt ... Charles ashbee Price on request
The Peartree Collection A set of four Charles Ashbee for the Guild of Handicraft gem set salt ... Charles ashbee Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Charles Ashbee for the Guild of Handicraft silver brooch Charles ashbee Price on request
The Peartree Collection A Jessie King gold and citrine Liberty necklace Jessie marion king Price on request
The Peartree Collection A rare Kate Harris pair of silver and enamel button earrings Kate harris £350.00