Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Antique French gilt bronze and malachite clock set Victor paillard & romain £32,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Oil painting after 'Marina del Porto' by Salvator Rosa Salvator rosa (after) £12,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Silver fish slice and fork by Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co Ltd Goldsmith & silversmith co ltd £1,200.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Pair of gilt bronze and faience lamps, attributed to Théodore Deck Theodore deck £12,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Two Orientalist patinated bronze sculptures by Debut and Pinedo Emile pinedo £24,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Pair of faience oil lamps, attributed to Vieillard & Cie Viellard & cie £6,500.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Antique giltwood and scagliola circular table, after Della Valle broth... £35,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Micromosaic circular table, attributed to the Vatican Mosaic Workshop Vatican mosaic workshop £65,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. ‘La Porteuse’ and ‘Le Guerrier Arabe’, two patinated bronze sc... Jean jules salmson £24,000.00