Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Nicholas I period Russian malachite side table with gilt bronze base £120,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Napoleon III period three-piece gilt bronze clock set by Lerolle Frèr... Lerolle freres £45,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Byzantine style gilt bronze and champlevé enamel clock garniture by R... Raingo freres £18,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Rococo style side table with vernis Martin decoration and gilt bronze ... £4,500.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Louis XV style gilt bronze and marquetry desk attributed to Zwiener (attributed to) joseph-emmanuel zwiener £18,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Rococo style gilt bronze mantel clock with Sèvres style porcelain pla... £4,500.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. French ormolu and silvered bronze mounted malachite three-piece clock ... Alexandre schoenewerk £45,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Rare Orientalist gilt bronze mantel clock by Denière et Fils Deniere et fils £12,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Gilt bronze mounted mahogany side cabinet by Mercier Frères Mercier freres £35,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Gilt bronze and hardstone inlay Napoleon III period clock set by Barbe... Ferdinand barbedienne £25,000.00
Mayfair Gallery Ltd. Napoleon III period gilt bronze and porcelain mounted cabinet by Louis... Louis grade £18,000.00